Budlong Peace Garden

Thanks to Friends of Budlong, the 7,500-square-foot space on the north side of Budlong Elementary will become a welcoming, educational space landscaped with native, pollinator plants. This Spring 2024, we hope to break ground on a new path that will lead us around the garden spaces designed for learning outside the classroom, connecting with nature, engaging each other, or simply finding peace and quiet.

The Budlong Peace Garden is a volunteer-led initiative. Plants, tools, and landscaping are funded by an F.O.B. grant that goes through CPS-approved vendors. Teachers, staff, and parents are forming a Peace Garden Committee and you are welcome to join us!

Please get in touch with Jenn Heard at budlongblooms@gmail.com

Budlong Native Garden Project on Winona

In Spring 2023, Budlong Elementary will break ground on their first Native Pollinator Garden.

Before/After Pictures of how we hope to transform the south entrance to Budlong Elementary School in Chicago, IL.

Curb Climate Change is an initiative/passion project by Jenn Heard to transform public spaces into gardens that exhibit plants native to Illinois and the Midwestern United States. These vital plants attract and restore insect and pollinator populations that in turn feed our ecosystem. Inspired by the teachings of Doug Tallamy, Jenn hopes to do her part to build a “Homegrown National Park” throughout the city of Chicago. One curb at a time, we can transform the health of our planet and combat the threats climate change pose to our city infrastructure.